The DCA has created the following resource library to provide current, relevant information about the availability of services available through state agencies to children and families in an effort to reduce incidences of abuse, neglect, and out-of-home placement of children. Please let us know if you spot anything that needs to be updated.
South Carolina Department of Social Services
Provides protective services for children and vulnerable adults, adoption, and foster care services. To report suspected abuse or neglect, call the South Carolina Department of Social Services.
Contact Information
- Toll Free Number: 1-888-CARE4US
- Submit a Report Electronically:
Disability Rights South Carolina Protection and Advocacy
The designated Protection and Advocacy System in South Carolina. Disability Rights South Carolina seeks to protect and advance the legal, civil and human rights of people with disabilities in South Carolina Carolina through education, outreach, monitoring, investigation and legal support (formerly known as Protection and Advocacy):
Family Connection of South Carolina
With grant funding through the Department of Education, provides parent-to-parent support to families of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs
Foster Care Review Board (FCRB)
FCRB was created in 1974 to review the cases of children who are in foster care and to advocate for permanence for those children. FCRB also administers the S.C. Heart Gallery which photographs legally free children and creates photo exhibits throughout the state in an effort to identify adoptive homes for foster children whose parents’ parental rights have been terminated. Legislative and Gubernatorial-appointed volunteers serve on local boards and on a state board. For more information including how to become a board member, visit or call 803-734-0480.
Guardian ad Litem Program
The Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program is a statewide program administered by the SC Dept. of Children’s Advocacy. The GAL Program provides a court-appointed special advocate in 45 counties for abused and neglected children who are involved in family court proceedings initiated by the Dept. of Social Services. To learn more about the program including how to become a Guardian ad Litem, contact or call 1-800-277-0113.
Richland County CASA
County program tat provides court-appointed special advocates for abused and neglected children who are involved in family court proceedings initiated by the Dept. of Social Services in Richland County. To learn more about the Richland County program, visit their website at or call 803-576-1735.
SC Department of Children’s Advocacy
Investigations Unit: Do you have a complaint regarding services provided to a child? The SC Department of Children’s Advocacy’s Investigations Unit was created to help. The DCA Investigations Unit receives, refers, monitors and investigates complaints related to services or programs provided to children in South Carolina by nine state agencies (DSS, DJJ, DPH, DMH, DDSN, DHHS, John de la Howe School, School for the Deaf and the Blind, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School). You can submit a complaint by phone at 1-800-206-1957, submit an online complaint or email
SC Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Parent Hotline
Families seeking information about justice-involved youth should call the Office of Juvenile Information at 1-866-681-5187.
SC Department of Mental Health
Patient Advocacy: to help prevent violations to your rights; review, investigate, and resolve any complaints regarding your rights; advocate for quality care. You must be a patient receiving services at SCDMH facilities and centers. Call 803-898-8557 or 1-866-300-9330 or visit
S.C. Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers (SCNCAC)
The SCNCAC is an accredited state chapter of the National Children’s Alliance and serves as a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization to represent child advocacy center (CAC) programs in South Carolina. Child Advocacy Centers (CACs)’s mission is to deliver a best practice response to child abuse. To learn more about their services and for links to the local CACs, visit or call 803-576-7250.
Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS)
DAODAS is the South Carolina government agency charged with ensuring quality services to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of substance use and addictions. Their mission is ensure the availability and quality of a continuum of substance use services, thereby improving the health status, safety, and quality of life of individuals, families, and communities across South Carolina.
For more information click this link or call 803-896-5555.
Information for providers from DAODAS' and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)'s national directory can be found here:
DAODAS's Embrace Recovery site includes trusted mutual aid groups, recovery community organizations and treatment facilities:
S.C. Department of Mental Health (DMH) Addiction and Mental Health Crisis Counseling Hotline
Call 1-844-SC-HOPES or 1-844-724-6737 (Para Español 1-833-TU-APOYO o 1-833-882-7696) (Deaf and hard of hearing persons may call 803-339-3339).
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a treatment referral routing service which provides confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year information service in English and Spanish for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance abuse disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information. Call 1-800-662-4357.
Please see "Mental/Behavioral Health" category below.
First Five
First Five SC is a portal where families can learn about public early childhood programs and enter a few pieces of information about their child, household and circumstances to find programs for which they may be eligible. Over 40 programs are included on the common eligibility screener, and many are also on the First Five SC central application. Access the portal at
S.C. Department of Public Health (DPH)
Administers a program called Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program that helps families in need of nutritional education and support. To schedule an appointment to apply for WIC call 1-855-472-3432. Please review items needed for your application at Learn more about services provided at your local health department for WIC, immunizations, or family planning services at
S.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Administers Healthy Connections which is South Carolina’s Medicaid Program that helps pay for some or all medical bills. For additional information and available resources review their website at -You may apply online at, for assistance call 1-800-726-8774. You may also apply in person at your local county office or contact customer service at 1-888-549-0820. For a local county office listing, follow this link
S.C. Department of Social Services (DSS) offers several financial assistance programs to eligible South Carolinians:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) offers cash assistance and employment and training services. To apply online click To submit an application or renewal contact your local county. Click the following link for county offices: If you need an application or renewal form mailed to you, call 1-800-616-1309. For additional information on SNAP, click the following link: For information on reporting a change for TANF click this link
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) offers food stamps and employment and training services. To apply online click To submit an application or renewal contact your local county. Click the following link for county offices: If you need an application or renewal form mailed to you, call 1-800-616-1309. For additional information on SNAP, click the following link: For information on reporting a change for SNAP click this link
- Food and Nutrition Programs offer emergency food assistance, programs for seniors, and healthy eating activities. For more information on programs click this link
- Healthy Bucks allows SNAP recipients to get fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmer’s markets. For locations, click this link You can also email for additional information.
- Senior Farmers Market allows low income persons at least 60 years old to get fruits and vegetables from local farmer’s markets. For information on applying and participating farmer’s markets click this link: You may also call 803-898-1760 or 803-898-7468 to speak to SFMNP staff.
- Child and Adult Care Food Program gives meal reimbursements to child care centers and adult day care centers. For additional information including applying, use the following link
- After School Snack Program gives reimbursements to after school care programs for children ages 5-18. For additional information including applying, use the following link:
- SNAP Nutrition Education is a program that provides information to families receiving SNAP benefits to make healthier food and physical activity choices. For more information contact SNAP Education Program Staff at 803-898-1068 or 803-898-8073 or email
- Emergency Shelter Food Program provides reimbursement to emergency and homeless shelters to ensure children 18 years and under receive healthy meals. To apply contact DSS at 803-898-0944.
- SC Voucher Program provides payments to child care providers for low-income families. For additional information use the following link or call 1-800-476-0199 or 803-898-2741.
- Refugee Resettlement Program is administered by DSS and allows refugees and others resettled in South Carolina to reach economic independence. For additional information contact the Economic Services Division at 803-898-7474.
- Project HOPE is a DSS program that provides education and training in healthcare fields to low-income individuals. For more information click the following link [PDF]. Apply by filling out this application [PDF] or by phone at 803-898-9090 or 1-800-299-2433.
- Child Support Division at DSS offers assistance in locating parents, establishing paternity, establishing/modifying/enforcing child support obligations, and obtaining child support for children. Contact 803-898-9282 or 1-800-768-5858 or send a message online at
SC Works
SC Works provides workforce resources for jobseekers and employers, including career counseling, job referrals, testing and training services, and resume-writing assistance. For more information click this link If you require auxiliary aids or other services contact
SC Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW)
SCDEW pays unemployment insurance benefits, collects unemployment taxes, helps people find jobs, and matches employers with jobseekers. For information on the application process and available resources click this link For jobseekers click this link For employers click this link
Social Security Administration (SSA)
SSA pays benefits to people including retirees, children, widows, widowers, and people with disabilities. For additional information and application by phone call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). For local Social Security Offices click this link
- For information on Disability Benefits follow this link
- For information on Retirement Benefits follow this link
- For information on Medicare Benefits (for adults age 65 or older) follow this link
- For information on Survivors Benefits paid to widows, widowers, and dependents of eligible workers follow this link
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits provides payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific amounts. Adults 65 and older without disabilities can still receive SSI benefits if they reach the financial limit. For more information click this link
S.C. Dept. of Education
Free and Reduced Lunch in South Carolina: all public schools in SC participate in the National School Lunch Program. For additional information including applications, please use the following link: To find your child’s school name and phone number use the School Directory found at then select the Search Schools tab or call the Department of Education at 803-734-8500.
SC Thrive
SC Thrive helps South Carolinians identify available benefits and state resources. For more information call 1-800-726-8774, email, or visit their website at
- English and Spanish services are available through SC Thrive’s contact center (800-726-8774). You can apply for the following benefits using Thrive Hub: Medicaid, Healthy Connections Prime, Long-Term Care Benefits, SNAP, TANF, State and Federal Taxes, Medically Indigent Assistance Program, Refugee Cash Assistance, SC Birth Certificate Replacement, Social Security Card Replacement, Voter Registration, and Welvista. To access Thrive Hub use this link If you do not have a SC Thrive account, call 800-726-8774.
US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Enter your zip code at this site to find shelter, food, health clinics and clothing near you:
S.C. Department of Public Health (DPH)
Provides current information on COVID-19 and is DPH’s dedicated COVID-19 page.
Contact Information:
If you need to make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine, you can check this website for vaccination locations and availability near you and make an appointment online:
You may also contact the Covid-19 Care Line at 1-855-472-3432 for general questions or for help with scheduling an appointment.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, the CDC strives to save lives and protect people from health threats. Visit the CDC's website for more information at
First Five
First Five SC is a portal where families can learn about public early childhood programs and enter a few pieces of information about their child, household and circumstances to find programs for which they may be eligible. Over 40 programs are included on the common eligibility screener, and many are also on the First Five SC central application. Access the portal at
South Carolina Department of Social Services
Provides protective services for children and vulnerable adults, adoption, and foster care services. To report suspected abuse or neglect, call the South Carolina Department of Social Services.
Contact Information:
South Carolina Child Care
SC Child Care Services | Happy. Healthy. Safe. The SC Voucher Program provides payments to child care providers for low-income families. For additional information use the following link or call 1-800-476-0199 or 803-898-2741.
Able of South Carolina
Advocates for the rights of parents with disabilities who have children in the care of state agencies.
Contact Information:
- Toll Free Number: 800-681-6805, TTY: 803-779-0949
- General Phone Number: 803-779-5121, Ext. 207
- Address: 720 Gracern Road, Suite 106, Columbia, SC 29210
- Website:
BabyNet, a program of the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, is South Carolina’s interagency early intervention system for infants and toddlers under three years of age with developmental delays, or who have conditions associated with developmental delays.
BabyNet matches the special needs of infants and toddlers, birth to 3 years of age, who have developmental delays with the professional resources available within the community. Anyone can make a referral by completing an Online Referral Form or by calling the Central Referral Team at (866) 512-8881.
Learn more at
South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN)
The SCDDSN is the state agency that plans, develops, oversees and funds services for South Carolinians with severe, lifelong disabilities of intellectual disability, autism, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury and conditions related to each of these four disabilities. For more information on SCDDSN, visit
Contact Information:
- Main Telephone Number: 803-898-9600
- Additional Information:
Disability Rights South Carolina, Protection and Advocacy
Protects and advances the legal, civil and human rights of people with disabilities in South Carolina through education, outreach, monitoring, investigation and legal support (formerly known as Protection and Advocacy):
Family Connection of South Carolina
Provides parent-to-parent support to families of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS)
SCDHHS administers South Carolina's Medicaid benefits and services. The Medically Complex Children’s (MCC) waiver is a statewide program to serve medically complex children from birth to age 18. Children qualifying for this program must meet level of care and medical criteria. Eligible children must be residents of South Carolina and qualify for Healthy Connections Medicaid. Waiver services include Pediatric medical day care • Care coordination by a registered nurse (RN)
For more information, please contact: (803) 898-2577 or (803) 904-8082
To make a referral online:
To make a referral by phone: (803) 898-2577 or (803) 904-8082
Walton Options
A Center for Independent Living providing advocacy services for persons with disabilities in 10 counties in South Carolina (Aiken, Barnwell, Edgefield, McCormick, Allendale, Bamberg, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper counties) through our two offices (one in North Augusta, SC and one in Walterboro, SC). Walton Options is a sister organization to Able SC (based in Columbia & Greenville) and AccessAbility (based in Charleston). They provide advocacy and resource services to children with disabilities and their families.
Contact Information:
- General Phone Number: 706-724-6262
- Address: 948 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30901
- Website:
SC Department of Social Services (DSS)
Domestic violence happens in every community. In an effort to prevent or reduce the incidence of domestic violence, the South Carolina Department of Social Services provides grants to local shelters and contracts with community agencies throughout the state. Through these grants and contracts the goal of the Domestic Violence Program is prevention and the provision of emergency services. DSS does not provide direct services to victims.
If you or someone you know is a victim and you need help please call 1-800-799-7233 (1-800-799-SAFE) or click here:
Disability Rights South Carolina, Protection and Advocacy
Protects and advances the legal, civil and human rights of people with disabilities in South Carolina through education, outreach, monitoring, investigation and legal support (formerly known as Protection and Advocacy)
S.C. Department of Education (Dept. of Ed)
The Dept. of Ed’s goal “is to provide leadership and support so that all public education students graduate prepared for success.” Learn more or contact Dept. of Ed at or contact the state office at 803-734-8500 or email
- Family & Community Engagement:
- Health and Nutrition (includes Covid-19 waivers and school food programs):
- Medicaid and available services (includes School Based Rehabilitative Services, Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services, and Special Needs Transportation): call the Office of Medicaid Services at 803-724-3698 or Special Needs Transportation at 803-734-3913
- Special Education Services: or contact the office at 803-734-8224 or The Ombudsman for the Office of Special Education is Lannette Cox, and she may be reached at 803-734-2833 or
- School Transportation:
Governor’s School for Agriculture at John de la Howe
The South Carolina Governor's School for Agriculture at John de la Howe (JDLH) is a state-funded, public, residential high school focused on providing a unique and challenging agricultural education program. Our school, the first statewide program of its kind in the nation, will allow students to receive hands-on training in the fields of agriculture, agribusiness, forestry, land management, food science, and more - all aimed at assessing the needs of modern farms. To learn more about the school or how to apply to attend, visit or call (864) 391-2131.
S.C. School for the Deaf and the Blind (SCSDB)
SCSDB’s mission is to that the individuals we serve realize maximum success through high quality educational programs, outreach services, and partnerships and vision is to be the statewide leader in education and accessibility for individuals who are deaf, blind, or sensory multi-disabled. For more information about the residential schools and services of the SCSDB, visit or call 864-577-7803.
- Statewide Interpreter Request Line
Toll-Free: 1-888-567-0980
- American Sign Language (ASL)
Paul May, ASL Coordinator
VP: 864-513-8681
Text: 803-413-5869
Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School (WLG)
WLG is the state’s oldest alternative education provider and has been serving South Carolina’s families since 1921. WLG serves South Carolina students who are 16 through 19 years of age who are on a path toward truancy, failing at their current school, dropping out of school and not completing their education, missing a college education or a successful career, or approaching a negative lifestyle due to bad choices in their everyday life. WLG’s services include Compensatory Education Pre-Vocational Training, Pre-Employment Training Career Guidance and Job Placement, Counseling/Healthcare, and Life Skill / Self-Discipline. For more information, visit or call 803.896.6461.
Golden Harvest Food Bank
Golden Harvest Food Bank bridges communities and provides food resources throughout Georgia and South Carolina to help neighbors in need overcome hunger and lead happy, healthy lives with the mission of "Feeding Lives Together" and a vision to "Inspire Healthy Change, One Meal At a Time." For more information, visit
Harvest Hope Food Bank
South Carolina's largest food bank serving the Midlands, Pee Dee and upstate with the mission to "eliminate hunger and food insecurity in South Carolina". For more information, visit
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Enter your zip code at this site to find shelter, food, health clinics and clothing near you:
S.C. Department of Education (Dept. of Ed)
The Dept. of Ed’s goal “is to provide leadership and support so that all public education students graduate prepared for success.” -Health and Nutrition (includes Covid-19 waivers and school food programs):
If You Suspect Human Trafficking:
Contact your local law enforcement, or call the toll-free National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline at 1-888-373-7888. More information on the NHTRC and how to report human trafficking can be found here:
- SC Attorney General: The SC Attorney General chairs a task force to address the crime of human trafficking in South Carolina. For more information about the Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Task Force, visit If your office or agency would like a training on human trafficking, please contact the Attorney General’s Office at 1-803-734-3970.
- Human Trafficking Task Force: The South Carolina Human Trafficking Law, S.C. Code Ann. 16-3-2050(B)(1) provides that the Attorney General will chair a task force to address the crime of human trafficking in South Carolina. The Task Force efforts are in collaboration with federal, state, and local agencies. The Task Force believes that prevention is one of the most important tasks of our collective. The more educated our communities, the closer we become in preventing individuals from being victimized. For more information, visit If your office or agency would like a training on human trafficking, please contact the Attorney General’s Office at 1-803-734-3970.
South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW)
SCDEW is responsible for paying unemployment insurance benefits, collecting unemployment taxes, helping people find jobs, matching businesses with qualified candidates, and collecting and disseminating state/federal employment statistics. For more information, visit
It also pays unemployment insurance benefits, collects unemployment taxes, helps people find jobs, and matches employers with jobseekers. For information on the application process and available resources click this link For jobseekers click this link For employers click this link
State of South Carolina Careers Page
A one-stop-shop for jobs with State of South Carolina government, with positions representing more than 70 state agencies statewide. For more information, visit
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Search for employment, job training, medical care, food, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
SC Department of Administration (Admin)
Admin hosts a portal with South Carolina government job openings. To see the listings and to apply, visit (then select/click “Search Openings”).
SC Works
SC Works provides workforce resources for jobseekers and employers, including career counseling, job referrals, testing and training services, and resume-writing assistance. For more information click this link If you require auxiliary aids or other services contact
South Carolina Bar
Serves bar members and the public through education and resources. For additional information call 803-799-6653 or click
Lawyer Referral Service
Provides a free referral to a lawyer in your area. These lawyers do not work on DSS cases. Call 1-800-868-2285, and for Richland and Lexington Counties call 803-799-7100, or click “Find a lawyer now!” on this website:
Free Legal Answers
An online program that allows eligible people to submit a question to an attorney online. For more information on whether you qualify please use the following link
Pro Bono Legal Assistance
Offers legal services for people in South Carolina that meet the federal poverty guidelines. For more information and to see if you qualify, please call 1-800-395-3425.
South Carolina Legal Services
Provides free legal assistance in civil (non-criminal) legal matters to low income South Carolinians. Click “apply online” at or call 1-888-346-5592 for legal help.
South Carolina Commission on Indigent Defense
Offers programs and services for legal representation to indigent defendants charged with criminal offense in South Carolina courts. For more information call 803-734-1343, email, or review their website at
Public Defender
For steps to apply for a public defender in a criminal case OR an attorney for a DSS or Termination of Parental Rights case, please review the handout at this website [PDF].
Here’s a list of Public Defenders by county for criminal matters:
Civil Rights Violation
If you believe you have been discriminated against, or that your civil rights have been violated, please send a written complaint to: U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of South Carolina, Attention: Civil Rights Program, 1441 Main Street, Suite 500, Columbia, SC 29201. The complaint form may be downloaded here: [PDF]. For additional questions call 803-929-3000, email, or review their "How to Submit a Civil Rights Complaint" webpage:
South Carolina Office of Inspector General (OIG)
OIG is charged with investigating and detecting fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, violations of state or federal law, and wrongdoing in the Executive Branch. To learn more about the types of complaints accepted by OIG, visit or call 1-803-896-4729. To make a complaint by phone, call 1-855-723-7283 (1-855-SCFRAUD).
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
S.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) DHHS-Medicaid
HHS’s mission is to “purchase the most health for our citizens in need at the least possible cost to the taxpayer.” Medicaid is South Carolina's grant-in-aid program by which the federal and state governments share the cost of providing medical care for needy persons who have low income. The rules for Medicaid coverage vary from state to state. Someone who is eligible in South Carolina may not be eligible in North Carolina or Georgia, for example. The contact information regarding South Carolina Medicaid is:
SCDHHS's website:
Phone: (803) 898-3834 (general issues); Email:
Also through DHHS is the Medically Complex Children’s (MCC) waiver which is a statewide program to serve medically complex children from birth to age 18. Children qualifying for this program must meet level of care and medical criteria. Eligible children must be residents of South Carolina and qualify for Healthy Connections Medicaid. Waiver services include Pediatric medical day care and care coordination by a registered nurse (RN)
For more information, please contact: (803) 898-2577 or (803) 904-8082
To make a referral online:
To make a referral by phone: (803) 898-2577 or (803) 904-8082
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Find health clinics, shelter, food, and clothing near you by entering your zip code at this site:
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
If you are in crisis or contemplating suicide, please call or text 9-8-8 now!
The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. 988 is committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.
Additional Calling Options:
- Deaf Services Hotline by SCDMH: VP 803-339-3339, Email:
- Español: Call 1-888-628-9454
- The Trevor Project: (866) 488-7386
Prefer to text rather than speak to someone over the phone?
- Crisis Text Line: Text HOPE4SC to 741741
- The Trevor Project: Text START to 678678
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
Continuum of Care (COC)
COC is administered by the S.C. Department of Children’s Advocacy with a mission to ensure continuing development and delivery of appropriate services to those children with the most severe and complex emotional or behavioral health challenges whose needs are not being adequately met by existing services and programs. Learn more about the eligibility and application for Continuum of Care’s intensive care coordination at
Federation of Families
Federation of Families provides advocacy, awareness, support, and training to families of children and youth with behavioral health challenges, and offer free services, including conferences and workshops, community support networks, advocacy education, and a helpline for parents. To learn more, call (866) 779-0402 statewide or (803) 772-5210 in Columbia, or visit their website:
Mental Health America - South Carolina
MHA-SC operates multiple programs to help individuals living with the affects of mental health issues:
- Bridges Clubhouse is a mental health day treatment program established in 1994 for adults diagnosed with mental illness. They provide community integration services in an effort to facilitate understanding of coping skills, independent living skills, and interpersonal skills. Bridges Clubhouse’s goal is to help each individual achieve their full potential on the road to recovery. The program serves clients 18 years of age and older who have a severe and persistent mental illness and who are ready to actively participate in their recovery.
- Turnkey Housing Corp is an arm of the organization that develops housing, especially in rural areas, including Cayce, Charleston, Florence, Orangeburg, and Sumter. Their goal is to help meet the needs of some of the at least 12,000 low-income South Carolinians diagnosed as mentally ill who are in need of housing in South Carolina.
Mirci provides an array of behavioral healthcare, supportive housing and essential needs to help people find a way forward when their life is at an impasse. Information about the below programs is available at
- Mirci's Supportive Housing provides permanent housing to approximately 300 adults, young adults, and families each year, serving those with a mental illness and prioritizing placement of people experiencing homelessness. Through the program, rent is subsidized so residents never pay more than 30% of their income for rent. And they have continued access to Mirci treatment services, transportation, after-hours support and other programming. There is no time limit on residency – more than 90% of residents remain in Mirci housing for a year or longer.
- Mirci's Transitional Living Program provides safe, stable housing to male-identifying youth ages 16-under 22 in a 10-bed transitional housing program. The program provides young residents with the stability and support they need to attend school, become employed, and develop skills for independence. More than 90% of these youth and young adults leave the program for permanent housing, and more than 70% improve their education and/or secure jobs.
S.C. Department of Education (Dept. of Ed)
The Dept. of Ed’s goal “is to provide leadership and support so that all public education students graduate prepared for success.” -Medicaid and available services (includes School Based Rehabilitative Services, Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services, and Special Needs Transportation): Call the Office of Medicaid Services at 803-724-3698 or Special Needs Transportation at 803-734-3913.
S.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) DHHS-Medicaid
HHS’s mission is to “purchase the most health for our citizens in need at the least possible cost to the taxpayer.” Medicaid is South Carolina's grant-in-aid program by which the federal and state governments share the cost of providing medical care for needy persons who have low income. The rules for Medicaid coverage vary from state to state. Someone who is eligible in South Carolina may not be eligible in North Carolina or Georgia, for example. For more information, visit their website at or call: (803) 898-3834 (general issues), or
S.C. Department of Mental Health (DMH):
Addiction and Mental Health Crisis Counseling Hotline:
- Call 1-844-SC-HOPES or 1-844-724-6737
- Para Español 1-833-TU-APOYO o 1-833-882-7696)
- Deaf and hard of hearing persons may call 803-339-3339
DMH Clinic Locator: To find services for you or someone in your care, visit
- For Public Information, call 803-898-8581.
- For Deaf Services, call 800-647-2066 V-TTY.
Housing and Homeless Programs provide technical assistance and funding through vendor contracts to organizations (primarily non-profits) that provide housing and services to persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses. This permanent supportive housing is primarily for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness who cannot afford housing. Most tenants are able to live independently, and there are approximately 1,000 apartments statewide. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age and able to live independently. Visit
Mental Health Screener for Children: is an interactive mental health screener for children under 18. SCDMH and SCDCA partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to launch this secure, voluntary, confidential, and convenient tool that allows parents and guardians to anonymously take a questionnaire on behalf of their child and connect with a caring professional for guidance, support, and resources to help them access mental and behavioral health services for youth. Please note, this service is not crises or emergencies. See the Suicide Prevention section for emergency services.
Mobile Crisis: Call toll-free 1-833-364-2274 for SCDMH’s Mobile Crisis Team (available statewide & all day/everyday) – If you are in crisis, please call now!
Roads of Independence: Roads of Independence is for youth and young adults between the ages of 16 or 25 who are experiencing at least one of the following:
- A history of or at-risk for mental illness
- struggling with substance abuse
- foster care or juvenile justice experience
- at-risk for homelessness
- in need of help with adulting regarding life skills and independent living skills
Roads of Independence offers counseling, peer support, tele-psychiatry, transition planning, nurse services, computer lab, and a variety of workshops. They currently serve Sumter and its surrounding counties and Aiken and its surrounding counties.
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Find health clinics, shelter, food, and clothing near you by entering your zip code at this site:
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
First Five
First Five SC is a portal where families can learn about public early childhood programs and enter a few pieces of information about their child, household and circumstances to find programs for which they may be eligible. Over 40 programs are included on the common eligibility screener, and many are also on the First Five SC central application. Access the portal at
S.C. Department of Education (Dept. of Ed)
The Dept. of Ed’s goal “is to provide leadership and support so that all public education students graduate prepared for success.” Learn more or contact Dept. of Ed at or contact the state office at 803-734-8500 or email
Family & Community Engagement
Father to Father, Inc.
Father to Father offers education and services uniquely tailored for fathers trying to rebuild their lives and their families. With offices in Moncks Corner and Charleston, they serve the following South Carolina counties: Allendale, Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Hampton, Jasper. For more information, visit their website at Father to Father - A Part of the SC Center for Fathers and Families.
SC Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Parent Hotline
Families seeking information about justice-involved youth should call the Office of Juvenile Information at 1-866-681-5187.
SC Department of Social Services Constituent Services
If you have a question, complaint or concern about services offered by DSS, their Constituent Services specialists can assist with matters including SNAP, TANF, foster care, daycare licensing, foster care, kinship care, and child abuse and neglect. Contacts: (803) 898-7601 press “0” or
SC Department of Social Services (DSS) Foster Parent Licensure and Support
To learn more about being a foster parent in South Carolina, visit For existing foster parents who need support, contact the Foster Parent Liaison at or 803-898-4174.
SC Department of Social Services (DSS) Kinship Care Services
When parents can’t meet a child’s basic needs, relatives or family friends often step in to care for the child. This is kinship care, and it can be temporary or permanent. For more information, visit or call:
Each SCDSS region has a Kinship Care Coordinator available to answer your questions, help you find resources and advocate for you and the children in your care:
- Upstate Region: 888-839-0155
- Midlands Region: 888-839-0157 or 888-839-0159
- Pee Dee Region: 888-854-4317
- Low Country Region: 888-854-4277
Children’s Trust South Carolina Parents Website
Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
First Five
First Five SC is a portal where families can learn about public early childhood programs and enter a few pieces of information about their child, household and circumstances to find programs for which they may be eligible. Over 40 programs are included on the common eligibility screener, and many are also on the First Five SC central application. Access the portal at
SC Department of Public Health (DPH) Vital Records
SC DPH Vital Records houses important records such as Birth Certificates (including adding a father to a birth certificate or changing a name after an adoption), Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates. For more information on access to these records visit their website at
SC Department of Social Services (DSS)
DSS maintains many records or documents concerning the services they provide. Most of these records are confidential and must be requested directly through DSS. For additional information about obtaining DSS records, contact:
The Office of General Counsel:
1535 Confederate Avenue
P.O. Box 1520
Columbia, SC 29202-1520
Telephone: (803) 898-7368
Fax: (803) 898-7245
Out of State Child Welfare Agency Requesting SAAOF State Child Welfare Agency Requesting DSS Records: If you are a Child Welfare agency from another state in need of child welfare services records, please draft your request on your agency’s letterhead, including your contact information, and email the request to:
Children’s Trust SC Parents Website
Find shelter and search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
Help with Housing: S.C. Housing Authority
The South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority (SC Housing) is a self-sustaining agency committed to ensuring that South Carolinians have the opportunity to live in safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Help with housing:
Housing application:
Pathways to Healing (formerly known as Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands)
Offering emergency shelter services, basic necessities, counseling, support groups, advocacy to victims/survivors, and an emotionally supportive environment.
Counties Served: Richland, Lexington, Sumter, Clarendon and Newberry
Contact Information
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 803-771-7273
- Website:
- General Phone Number: (803) 790-8208
- Fax Number: (803) 790-8282
US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Find shelter, food, health clinics and clothing near you by entering your zip code at this site:
Safe Passage, Inc.
Providing victims/survivors of domestic violence with emergency shelter, basic necessities, offer an emotionally supportive environment, counseling, support groups, advocacy, referrals, therapy and children's services.
Counties Served: York, Chester and Lancaster
Contact Information
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 803-329-2800
- Toll Free Number: 800-659-0977
- Website:
- Email:
Beyond Abuse (formerly Sexual Trauma and Counseling Center)
Offering 24/7 crisis response services, forensic interviews, child maltreatment medical exams, counseling (short term and long term), and more.
Counties Served: Greenwood, Laurens and Abbeville
Contact Information
- Hotline: 800-659-0977
- Phone Number: 864-227-1623
- Website:
- Greenwood County Office Address: Greenwood County Office - 115 E. Alexander Avenue, Greenwood, SC 29646
- Laurens County Office Address: 23013 Hwy 76 East, Clinton, SC 29325
CASA/Family Systems
CASA offers victims services (shelter, sexual assault, and community domestic violence programs), education and outreach services, and The Edisto Children's Center which offers a multidisciplinary approach to child abuse and neglect.
Counties Served: Orangeburg, Calhoun and Bamberg
Contact Information
- Emergency Hotline: 803-534-2272 or 803-531-6211
- Toll Free Number: 800-298-7228
- Website:
Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons
Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, hospital accompaniment, 60-day emergency shelter, legal advocacy and more.
Counties Served: Aiken, Barnwell, Allendale, Edgefield, Saluda and McCormick
Contact Information
- 24-Hour Hotline: 803-649-0480
- Website:
- Aiken Office: 254 Beaufort St NE, Aiken, SC 29801 - Phone: 803-649-0480
- Barnwell Office: Second Floor City Hall Building, Barnwell, SC 29812 - Phone: 803-259-4451
- Edgefield Office: PO Box 1293, Aiken, SC 29802 - Phone: 803-637-4037
Family Resource Center
Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, individual and family counseling, hospital accompaniment, legal and personal advocacy, and prevention education/outreach.
Counties Served: Kershaw and Lee
Contact Information
- Hotline: 803-649-0480
- Phone Number: 803-425-4357
- Address: 509 Broad Street, Camden, SC 29020
- Website:
Foothills Alliance
Offers a 24-hour sexual assault crisis hotline, hospital accompaniment, individual and family therapy, survivor support groups, community awareness/education programs, and volunteer training.
Counties Served: Anderson and Oconee
Contact Information
- Hotline: 1-800-585-8952
- Phone Number: 864-231-7273
- Address: 216 East Calhoun Street, Anderson, SC 29621
- Email:
- Website:
Julie Valentine Center
Offers a rape crisis department (children and adult victims), an adult therapy program, programs for caregivers, and education programs.
County Served: Greenville county.
Contact Information
- Hotline: 864-467-3633
- Phone Number: 864.331.0560
- Address: 2905 White Horse Road, Greenville, SC 29611
- Website:
Hope Haven of the Lowcountry: Children’s Advocacy and Rape Crisis Center
Provides child forensic interviews, crisis counseling, victim advocacy, evidence-based mental health treatment, family support, law enforcement partnerships and educational programs.
Counties Served: Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper
Contact Information
- Hotline: 1-800-637-7273
- Phone Number: 843-524-2256
- Address: 1212 Charles Street, Beaufort, SC 29902
- Website:
Palmetto Citizens Against Sexual Assault
Offers a 24-hour telephone counseling services, individual and group support groups and counseling, appropriate referrals and information, community educational programs, sexual assault resource library, court advocacy, volunteer training, Children's Advocacy Center, forensic interviews, and medical forensic exams for children.
Counties Served: Lancaster, Chester and Fairfield
Contact Information
- Hotline: 1-888-790-8532
- Phone Number: 803-286-5232
- Address: 106 North York Street, Lancaster, SC 29720
- Website:
Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Assault
Offers emergency services, legal and financial assistance services, counseling services, housing services, support services and children's services.
Counties Served: Florence, Darlington, Marion, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Dillon, Williamsburg and Clarendon
Contact Information
- Hotline: 843-669-4600
- Phone Number: 843-669-4694
- Address: PO Box 1351, Florence, SC 29503
- Website:
People Against Rape
Offers a 24-hour hotline, hospital accompaniment during Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFE), police and law enforcement accompaniment, court accompaniment, follow-up services, trauma-informed counseling, and support groups.
Counties Served: Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester
Contact Information
- Hotline: 843-745-0144
- Phone Number: 843-577-9882
- Address: P.O. Box 1723, Charleston, SC 29402
- Website:
Rape Crisis Center
Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, confidential counseling, support groups, legal advocacy, information and referrals, assistance with victims compensation, group and school education programs. and community presentations and outreach events.
Counties Served: Horry and Georgetown
Contact Information
- Hotline: 843-448-7273
- Phone Number: 843-448-3180
- Address: PO Box 613, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578
Pickens County Advocacy Center (formerly the Rape Crisis Council of Pickens County)
Offers a 24-hour response service by trained advocates for sexual violence survivors, 24-hour anonymous hotline, and 24-hour hospital accompaniment.
County Served: Pickens
Contact Information
- Hotline and Phone Number: 864-442-5500
- Address: PCAC - Easley Office 5190 Calhoun Memorial Highway, Suite A & B, Easley, SC 29640
- Website:
Project R.E.S.T. - Restore, Empower, Support, Transform
Formerly known as SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition, Project R.E.S.T. offers a 24-hour crisis line, domestic violence and sexual assault survivor assistance, emergency shelter (up to 60 days), hospital accompaniment and advocacy, police and court accompaniment, crisis counseling, individual and family therapy, case management, key resources and community support, order of protection petitions assistance, training and prevention education and more.
Counties Served: Cherokee, Spartanburg, Union
Contact Information
- Hotline: 1-800-273-5066
- Phone Number: 864-583-9803
- Address: Spartanburg County Office (3rd floor of the Spartanburg County Courthouse); Cherokee County Office (1612 North Limestone Street, Gaffney, SC); Union County Office (300 E. South St, Union, SC)
- Email:
- Website:
Children’s Trust of South Carolina (SC Parents website)
Find shelter and search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. Visit this link and enter your zip code to find resources in your area:
Housing Authority of City of Columbia (Columbia Housing)
The largest housing authority in South Carolina. Columbia Housing provides and facilitates affordable housing resources for nearly low-income households. For more information, visit
Leaphart Place
Leaphart Place is a 20-apartment facility that was built by Growing Homes Southeast as a launching pad for young adults who are aging out of foster care or other state-assisted living arrangements and are at risk for homelessness. Residents are recommended by social services or mental health caseworkers and must be approved by a three-person panel, including a Lexington County Mental Health specialist who provides residents with counseling services.
Mental Health America - South Carolina
Turnkey Housing Corp is an arm of MHA-SC that develops housing, especially in rural areas, including Cayce, Charleston, Florence, Orangeburg, and Sumter. Their goal is to help meet the needs of some of the at least 12,000 low-income South Carolinians diagnosed as mentally ill who are in need of housing in South Carolina.
Mirci provides an array of behavioral healthcare, supportive housing and essential needs to help people find a way forward when their life is at an impasse. Information about the below programs is available at
- Mirci's Supportive Housing provides permanent housing to approximately 300 adults, young adults, and families each year, serving those with a mental illness and prioritizing placement of people experiencing homelessness. Through the program, rent is subsidized so residents never pay more than 30% of their income for rent. And they have continued access to Mirci treatment services, transportation, after-hours support and other programming. There is no time limit on residency – more than 90% of residents remain in Mirci housing for a year or longer.
- Mirci's Transitional Living Program provides safe, stable housing to male-identifying youth ages 16-under 22 in a 10-bed transitional housing program. The program provides young residents with the stability and support they need to attend school, become employed, and develop skills for independence. More than 90% of these youth and young adults leave the program for permanent housing, and more than 70% improve their education and/or secure jobs.
Pathways to Healing (formerly known as Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands)
Advocates for and supports survivors of sexual assault and abuse, and educates the community to identify and prevent sexual violence. For more information, visit
Safe Passage
Provides supportive services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse in York, Chester, Lancaster and Union Counties. For more information, visit
The Salvation Army of the Midlands
Serves people living in extreme poverty in the Midlands working daily with those who are homeless and offer several homeless prevention initiatives - from serving daily meals to providing Christmas toys to families in need. The Salvation Army reaches out to those in our community who need assistance. For more information, visit
South Carolina Department of Mental Health Housing and Homeless Programs provide technical assistance and funding through vendor contracts to organizations (primarily non-profits) that provide housing and services to persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses. This permanent supportive housing is primarily for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness who cannot afford housing. Most tenants are able to live independently, and there are approximately 1,000 apartments statewide. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age and able to live independently. Visit
S.C. Housing Authority
The South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority (SC Housing) is a self-sustaining agency committed to ensuring that South Carolinians have the opportunity to live in safe, decent, and affordable housing.
- Help with housing:
- Housing application:
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Find shelter, food, health clinics and clothing near you by entering your zip code at this site:
Talk to someone now!
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
If you are in crisis or contemplating suicide, please call or text 9-8-8 now!
The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. 988 is committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.
SC Dept. of Mental Health
Mobile Crisis: Call toll-free 1-833-364-2274 for SCDMH’s Mobile Crisis Team (available statewide & all day/everyday) – If you are in crisis, please call now!
Additional Calling Options:
- Deaf Services Hotline by SCDMH: VP 803-339-3339, Email:
- Español: Call 1-888-628-9454
- The Trevor Project: (866) 488-7386
Prefer to text rather than speak to someone over the phone?
- Crisis Text Line: Text HOPE4SC to 741741
- The Trevor Project: Text START to 678678
Veterans National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 9-8-8, then Press 1.
Text 838255
If you have hearing loss, call TTY: 1-800-799-4889
SC Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS)
Do you think you may need help? You can participate in this safe, easy and free service that allows you to anonymously take a Self-Check Questionnaire and connect with a professional counselor who can offer guidance, support, and resources to help connect you with mental health and addiction services. They are ready to help if you are overwhelmed by COVID-19 challenges, feeling overly stressed or anxious, coping with a natural disaster, struggling with addiction, feeling depressed and don’t know where to turn. Visit to submit a questionnaire today. Learn more about DMH’s Office of Suicide Prevention here:
Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP) with SC Dept. of Mental Health
OSP is working to making South Carolina a zero suicide state through training, awareness, and collaboration. For training for yourself or your organization email or call. Click the following link for additional information: