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DCA Staff,

The 2020 Census is well underway and it’s vital for the U.S. Census Bureau to get as complete a count as possible. It is important that we all respond, encourage our friends and family to respond, and ramp up our efforts as a community, state and a nation to ensure everyone is counted. According to recent Census 2020 reports, the national response percentage thus far is 44.5% and a 40.3% response rate for our state. We would all like to see these numbers increase, as Census data will entitle South Carolina to our fair share of vital federal funding.

One timely example of the importance of Census data is the allocation of funding and support/materials for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) relief. Previous Census data is presently being utilized to determine the needs for our state, cities and communities as we battle this health crisis. Responding today will directly impact the federal funding and support our state receives for the next 10 years.

So, let’s respond and spread the word – everyone counts!

Respond to the 2020 Census now!

•Respond at or call one of the toll-free numbers listed on your invitation.

•Use the Census ID included in your invitation. You can also respond without it by providing your address.

•Or, if you received a paper questionnaire, fill it out and mail it back (you can respond online if you prefer).

•Include everyone living in your home as of April 1, 2020.